Artificial Intelligence Playing Major Role in Application Development Process

Artificial intelligence has witnessed phenomenal growth over the past few years and its application has contributed to the technological growth of every segment where it has been implemented. Artificial intelligence has also crept in to the area of “application development” and a stage has now been reached where it has become increasingly dependent on AI for its future growth. Artificial intelligence refers to a machine that is able to do the task done by humans using natural intelligence. Having an intelligent assistant with you all the time in your smart phone is something that brings in several benefits to you. The intertwining of artificial intelligence and human efforts in a human- machine interaction brings in greater efficiency and raises the bar on productivity levels in the app- development process. It promises a more efficient and promising customer experience. AI in App Development Artificial intelligence is used to supplement and enhance human efforts in the app development process. An app like “Tempo” gains access to your email, calendar, contacts and mines it for related information. This app can also scan all of the related information in your scheduling and correspondence and is able to remind you of important meetings with clients that are proposed for a specific time. Starbuck’s “my Starbuck’s barrista” is a new AI- powered mobile app that will place an order for any of Starbuck’s products for you. According to Gartner vice president and Gartner fellow David Cearley, intelligent apps will be one of the top ten strategic trends for 2017. He sees artificial intelligence built in to every category of mobile app particularly in marketing and ERP and expects most of the 200 largest companies in the world to have developed intelligent apps by 2018 Artificial Intelligence Apps Come with Sensors Artificial intelligence and machine learning will use inputs from sensors and based on that, make the necessary recommendations. If you have a fitness tracker app and your goal is to reduce weight, an AI – built in – app will suggest a customized workout plan based on your body exercises and burn rate over a period of one week. Analysts expect that developers who can build contextually aware intelligent apps that make use of big data will be in demand. According to Forrester’s Diego Lo Giudice, AI will eventually transform the way the applications are built Companies Integrating AI in to Mobile Apps Retail giants like Amazon and eBay have proved the success of AI mobile apps. They are also integrating these AI algorithms in to their various products so that customers can be provided with better user – engagement options that will help convert one- time customers in to repeat customer Intelligent Apps help us in a Variety of Ways Intelligent apps act as your personal assistant and provide users with contextually relevant information and advice. These apps study your preferences, choices and web behavior and offer suggestions on what the best options would be for you even without waiting for you to act. These apps are capable of acting at the right time even without your knowledge. The apps are technologically advanced to the extent that they are also capable of communicating alone on your behalf even without waiting for your instructions. The combination of mobile app and artificial intelligence is slowly changing the face of technology. The increasing use of AI in mobile app development clearly proves that it provides for greater user engagement, helping companies achieve greater business growth. Siri from Apple, Google Assistance and Cortana from Microsoft are examples of integration of mobile app technology with AI.

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