Better Site Designs Aid Conversion Goals

One of the main factors that prevent users from continuing with the conversion process is attributed to the discrepancies inherent in a site design. Despite putting in several hours of hard work in creating web pages, searching for your prospective target audience and writing killer copy, you find that users are exiting your site without converting. Designs Create the First Impressions about a Brand It is the design element in a website that helps users form an immediate impression about a brand and if your site design is good, it will generate a favorable impact. If on the other hand, your site is poorly designed, it will create a negative image. A recent survey has revealed that over 94% of the elements that cause site distrust were related to design. Your design should be such that it becomes a conversion – friendly website that aids the conversion process. It should also clearly highlight the major benefits that accrue to the user, encouraging him to click the call to action button. Poorly Designed Hero Images are Great Impediments to Conversion A hero image is a large visual that spans across a home page. Many hero images come without any persuasive copy describing what the site is all about. Many hero images also do not persuade users to take particular course of action that could aid in the conversion process. An effective hero image, however, entices visitors to stay longer on your website and increase the sales conversion process. The visual should reinforce the headline and should make it clear to users about what the site is all about and what it offers. Bigger Images Take Longer to Load Large images are one of the major factors that prevent a site from loading fast and visitors tend to exit a site that does not load fast. Surveys reveal that over 38% of online shoppers will abandon a site that takes more than 10 seconds to load. According to Akamai &, over 50 % of web users expect a site to load in two seconds or less. Reducing image file size is one of the better ways to prevent images from increasing load time. The smaller the file size, the shorter the time taken for the site to load. Use Adequate Number of Fields in Website Forms Use adequate number of fields in website forms so that we get not only the mail address of users but also additional information that would help us become more personal with our users. Personalized promotional mailings have higher click rates than non- personalized mailings. However, too many form fields could be irritating to the user and he may exit the site altogether without filling up all the fields, thus reducing the conversion rates. Typography Should Make Content Easy to Read & Easy on the Eye Visitors will not stay on a site if the content is illegible. Nielsen has revealed that small font sizes and low contrast are some of the most irritating usability problems. Users will not take the trouble of trying to read what is written in small print. Your font size should be such that it makes reading easy. Simple Navigation  A simple navigation is one of the major elements in the design process that help users stay on the site and help in the conversion process. Simple navigation makes users navigate the site easily and access the menu displayed without any hassles. Visitors should not face any confusion while navigating through the site and users should be provided with a pleasant user experience.    

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