Designing Successful Landing Pages That Convert & Drive Business Growth

A well-designed landing page is of vital importance for the success of your business. However, developing a killer-landing page that converts visitors in to customers is more easily said than done. There are certain vital elements in the design process that if incorporated in to your landing page design, will ensure more leads and higher conversions leading to substantial business growth. Let us go through a few of the major components that help landing pages convert visitors and help businesses grow their business. Meeting the Demands & Aspirations of Your Target Audience If you want your business to succeed, you must first identify and understand your target audience and provide products that will satisfy their demands. Design your landing page then in such a way that it should satisfy those demands and aspirations of your target audience. When a visitor arrives at your landing page, he should feel confident that the product/ service that the landing page highlights would satisfy his needs and aspirations Highlight the USP of the Product on Offer with Its Benefits What is unique in your product that differentiates it from your competitor’s products? You should  design your landing page in such a way that these product benefits are clearly incorporated and highlighted among your target audience in your landing page. Focus on providing answers to the usual user queries such as “what is in it for me”- what benefit will I derive from this product “? Make Your Landing Pages Attractive With Videos / Images We are living in an age where short attention span is the norm. We no longer read long product descriptions. It makes sense to use pictures and visual representations instead of plain text as these can help visitors understand your product / services better. A video makes an even better way of showcasing your product / service as it could show your visitors how your offering would be used and how it is beneficial for them. Social Proof Providing testimonials of satisfied customers in your landing page is a form of recommendation that would reinforce the belief about the product’s trustworthiness. In simple words, it is using social signals to show that people have used your product and are glad using it. This will create a better impression about your product among customers and will help increase sales of your products. In addition, customer reviews, case studies, awards from reputed organizations, etc. make good examples of social proof. Call to Actions The CTA (Call to Action) is one of the most important components in a landing page and is an attempt by the website owner to evoke a response from the user and make him follow a definite path to the conversion funnel. Without a call to action prominently displayed on a website, users may be at a loss as to the next step to be followed. The CTA button must be displayed prominently and should have plenty of white space around the CTA with some visual contrast. Regular Testing Your landing page should be subjected to regular testing procedures to ensure that the applications hosted on the web works as per desired plans and that the basic functionalities, your landing page images, headlines,  text, call to action etc function properly. As Your landing  page is not a static entity and changes with product additions, price alterations, discounts etc, having regular testing would be advisable to ensure optimum functionality of your site.  

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